Microsoft submits that basic and feature phones are not part of the same relevant product market as smartphones. The approach to market definitionis not mechanical, but rather a conceptual. The roundtable covered market definition from a legal and economic point of view but also new methods ranging from merger simulation models, compensating. Mergers between competing undertakings or potential competitors on the same market eliminate. Icn merger working group international competition network. In terms of geographic market definition, the key question is whether after the merger. To view the pdf you will need acrobat reader, which may be downloaded from the adobe site. Horizontal merger guidelines federal trade commission. Regulation ec no 92004 merger procedure article 61b nonopposition. For example, when a manufacturer of a certain product the upstream firm. Defining the relevant market in telecommunications oecd.
Multiple relevant product markets may thus be identified. Such a relevant product market consists of a group of substitute products including product a. Iv b, govsystemfilesdocumentscases051016staplesopinion. Relevant product market 17 when defining the product market, first of all, a preliminary opinion is prepared based on the existing information or the information provided by the undertakings parties to the case. The agencies may evaluate a merger in any relevant market satisfying the test. The unintended consequences of narrower product markets and. Separate guidance relevant to mergers is published by the oft and the cc. Slc within a market or markets in the uk for goods or services. A relevant market consists of a product or group of products and a geographic area in which it is produced or sold that could be subject to an exercise of market.